Candle Therapy

Candle Therapy

What is candle therapy?

Often candle therapy refers to burning candles with different scents that are believed to effect change in matters and bring positive “magical” power into one’s life. Light is everywhere, but like fire, the natural force that keeps a candle burning can change lives. Candle energy is one of the spiritual methods that can bring happiness, passion, comfort and energy to your daily life by using the power of light.

Often for candle therapy there is a ceremony that is accompanied by a candle and its color and aroma (aroma therapy) changes depending on the person’s wishes and is usually used together with light and sound for a good and balanced effect. For example, if one desires relaxation or healing, a blue candle with the appropriate scent is used for the desired healing.

What is the chakra theory in candle therapy?

In the chakra theory, which is very popular in candle therapy, it is believed that each of the chakras (energy centers in the body) is directly related to a specific color. Candle therapy is used in conjunction with color therapy to influence the healing or strengthening of the chakras. There are seven chakras, which include the crown chakra (top of the head), the forehead or third eye chakra, the throat chakra, the heart or divine love chakra, the solar plexus chakra, the sacral chakra (lower abdomen) and the root or base of the spine chakra. Each chakra has a different color such as purple for the crown, indigo for the forehead, blue for the throat, green for the heart, yellow for the solar plexus, orange for the sacral and red for the base of the spine.

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What to expect from candle therapy?

Many psychic readers use an array of colored candles as part of a ritual to bring blessings and strength into the audience’s life. The use of colored candles for rituals such as psychic reading, fertility and prosperity dates back thousands of years and is still widely practiced today. Each colored candle has specific “energy” powers or properties, and it is believed that along with rituals or meditation, candle therapy can effect real changes in a person’s life.

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