Coffee Reading
Coffee Reading
A Brief History of Tasseography: The Art of Reading Turkish Coffee
Tasseography is the art of reading tea leaves or coffee grounds and is a catch-all term that refers to any attempt to read future events by looking at the shapes created by tea leaves or coffee grounds after drinking a cup of tea or coffee. Telling the future is one of the oldest human traditions and it is said that deciphering the shapes and images left after drinking a cup of Turkish coffee can show your future and like many other methods of psychic reading, it is a method of intuition. through which you can gain accurate insight into what you may encounter in your daily life!

What clues does the cup of coffee have about you, your present and your future?
Coffee reading is a branch of psychic reading. Also, coffee reading is a great way and a good opportunity to get in touch with your inner voice. For many years, psychic readers in many parts of the world have been following signs through coffee and interpreting well the symbols created by the vibrations around the audience, which may indicate a key to one’s future path.

What should you expect from coffee reading?
Not all cups represent the future. If you are a reserved person who doesn’t reveal much, the characters and signs in your reading cup will be very general, and if your first experience in coffee reading, the cup signs will often be generic. Sometimes the cup may not be about what is actually happening, instead it reflects what the person wants or fears that may happen to them in the near future. If the cup has very negative symbols: symbols of death and betrayal, it is probably a manifestation of the customer’s fears, not what is really happening.
However, if the cup is about the future, the correct understanding and interpretation of the images in the cup comes from a talented and capable psychic reader. Coffee readers can give you great insight into your hopes, dreams, worries, and fears.